Our Training and Support Boosts Your Home Services Franchise


At Bin There Dump That, we understand that most entrepreneurs who want to invest in a home services franchise might not have much familiarity with dumpster rental businesses. To help set our Franchise Operators up for success, we offer comprehensive franchise training and support that immerses you in the most important responsibilities that come with running a dumpster business.

Our franchise training programs are structured within a thorough phased process that identifies and familiarizes you with all the aspects you must complete to effectively launch a home services franchise with Bin There Dump That.

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Initial Pre-Opening Training

Each new Bin There Dump That Franchise Operator receives an introductory Welcome Call from your own personal Franchise Support Coach and the key people on the Super Support Team.! During this conference call, you will receive the pre-opening checklist that lays out every item to be completed prior to your grand opening, which includes:

  • Work with our Supply Chain team to begin the process of ordering your truck and bins
  • Setting up the insurance policy
  • Working with your local Marketing team to lay out the foundation for your marketing plan
  • Ensuring you are in compliance with relevant local regulations
  • And plenty more!

Together, we’ll determine the right timeframe for when your location should be ready to service customers in your territory opening date. and work towards completing the tasks on the checklist. The Support Team will create a time frame for all members of the team to work towards the actual date of the opening of the location. The Bin There Dump That franchise support team will also schedule continued update calls to monitor and assist with your progress on the checklist. 

Classroom Instruction

The live training class is held at the Home Office approximately every 8-10 weeks and will typically have 3-5 new Franchise Operators participating. If you have an employee or partner who will be serving as your location’s General Manager, then they should also attend.

The franchise training provided in the classroom setting is completed over five days and focuses on the most effective ways to utilize our Simple and Friendly business model. The approach is top-down, starting with teaching the core values of the company and the intended relationship between the all parties included in the franchise agreement.

a dumpster rental franchise management team
A man stands next to a white truck with a green dumpster, holding a remote control. The truck's doors display company information and a logo that reads

Hands on Training at our National Training Facility

From the classroom, we move to an actual operating Bin There Dump That location where we take all our classroom preparation and apply it in a real-world setting. The new Franchise Operator or Dumpster Delivery Expert will go on a live ride along with a Bin There Dump That driver - completing truck safety checks, actual bin deliveries and pickups, and trips to the transfer stations and landfills.

Franchise Opening

Once you return to your location, they will be getting ready to go! Our team will continue working with the new Franchise Operator to ensure all items on the Checklist are complete.

About 2-3 weeks after the training has been completed, the new Franchise Operator will usually receive their first truck and bin deliveries. Around the same time, your website will go live and online marketing strategies will be launched.

Two individuals shaking hands in front of a green dumpster from the junk removal franchise "bin there dump that.

Continued Support Following the Opening

The final phase of our franchise training and support is ongoing through the business' operation. There are many ways in which the Super Support team works with the Franchise Operators to help them be successful and profitable, such as:

Regular Support Calls

Scheduled between the new Franchise Operator and the Super Support Team to ensure that the business is off to a good start and any questions, issues, or challenges are addressed early and often. These calls will typically start weekly, then move to monthly or as required.

Multi-Day On-Site Visit

Each new Franchise Operator can plan this with their Franchise Support Coach within the first 6 months of the business being operational. The purpose of the visit is to help ensure that the business is running efficiently and that the Franchise Operator is using all the tools available to them effectively.

Join a Peer Performance Group

Peer Performance Groups consist of Franchise Operators (typically 5-8 per group) who connect on a web meeting once per quarter to share and analyze their Key Performance Indicators. The KPI's include the franchise’s average sale per bin rental, average dump/fuel/labor costs per bin rental, net profit, etc. Through these group discussions, Franchise Operators can share experiences and best practices, ask questions, and learn from one another's successes and challenges.

Business Development Conference

This event is usually hosted once per year in January or February (typically slower months for those in northern regions). It is a wonderful opportunity to bring the entire Bin There Dump That team together to collaborate, share in new developments within the business, inspire one another, network with suppliers, and have fun together.

Franchise Candidates engaged in the Due Diligence process around this time may be invited to some of the conference events to meet the team in person and get first-hand experience of the Bin There Dump That culture.

One of the best parts of being a Franchise Operator is having instant kinship to other Bin There Dump That Franchise Owners. It is of the utmost importance that there is a bond between team members and they can turn to one another for support, advice, and to celebrate each other's achievements - both professional and personal.

Disclaimer: This website is not a franchise offering. A franchise offering can be made by us only in a state if we are first registered, excluded, exempted, or otherwise qualified to offer franchises in that state and only if we provide you with an appropriate Franchise Disclosure Document. Follow-up or individualized responses to you that involve either affecting or attempting to affect the sale of a franchise will be made only if we are first in compliance with state registration requirements or are covered by an applicable state exclusion or exemption.